1 September 2014
The Exiles have set up a Blog to keep members more informed
about meeting places and social events. All members are
encouraged to contribute to it. You can view the blog
18 June 2013
The Annual General Meeting
of the Chester Exiles will take place on Thursday 25 July.
The venue is The Parcel Yard, King’s Cross Station,
London N1C 4AH. The members meeting will start promptly
at 18:30hrs and we are pleased to announce it will be
followed by a social night with Blues manager Neil Young
from 19:30hrs to which all Chester fans and friends are
invited. Food will be available on the night. Big Lupus
has checked his diary and should also be joining the get
Parcel Yard
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of the 2012 Annual General Meeting
3. Matters arising
4. Chairman’s report
5. Treasurer’s report and accounts
6. Secretary / Membership report
7. Committee reports:
7a. Press and Sponsorship
7b. Darts
8. Election of officers
9. Any other business
If you are unable to attend but
have any item you may want discussed on the night under
9 (Any Other Business) please email steve@chester-fc.co.uk
as soon as possible.
Chester hero and new club Life
Vice-President Grenville Millington helped the Chester
FC Exiles mark their new identity as part of City Fans
United at a memorable social event in London just before
Christmas 2011.
Goalkeeping legend Grenville was the star of the show
as he entertained everyone with his tales of the ups and
downs of playing for Chester City. He even bought along
his brother’s Welsh cap, his own amateur Welsh cap
and his 1972 GB Olympic shirt – which was a real
talking point! Several Exiles seized the opportunity to
play table football with Grenville, as the event’s
venue – Bar Kick in Shoreditch – specialised
in bar football.
Chester FC board member David Evans was also on hand to
answer questions about the club, including the recent
vote at the CFU AGM which was overwhelmingly in favour
of the Exiles formally becoming part of the CFU family.
This means all CFU members who live away from the immediate
Chester area are automatically also members of the Exiles.
At no extra cost they have the opportunity to participate
in Exiles activities and the Exiles will also seek to
represent the interests of fans living away from Chester.
It was a real night for everyone to remember, and the
new-look Exiles were grateful for Grenville driving to
and from North Wales to meet them all. It looked like
he enjoyed himself as well, including his surprise 60th
birthday cake!
Although this first event took place in London, the Exiles
hope there will be a series of events in various locations
that will be of interest to members throughout the country.
Many of the southern-based Exiles are, of course, looking
forward to meeting up again for the FA Trophy tie at Ebbsfleet
on January 14.
At its meeting
on 16 June 2010, the Committee of the Chester City Exiles
agreed the following proposal regarding the future of
the Exiles:
“We agree to continue as Chester
Exiles (provisional on agreement of name change from
Chester City Exiles) to cater for the needs of supporters
outside Chester and play a complementary role to City
Fans United (CFU) in the support of Chester Football
Club which will allow CFU to focus their efforts on
building support locally.
With CFU still very much in its infancy,
the Committee feels it is important to retain our independence
and use our 26 years’ experience to help CFU manage
its widespread support.
The Exiles can play a valuable
role in co-ordinating travel arrangements to matches both
home and away in the forthcoming season and work with
CFU in fundraising initiatives outside of Chester.”
Thanks to all who purchased
the Exiles Harry McNally T-shirts, produced to help raise
money for City Fans United. The shirts have fully sold
Paul Baker buys his shirt
on Saturday from Robert and David Evans.
On behalf of the Committee of the Chester City Exiles
and Exile members here and abroad, we would like to offer
our wholehearted support and good wishes to City Fans
United on this historic occasion. Although the Exiles
will remain as a separate organisation for the time being,
serving the needs of Chester City supporters living away
from the Chester area, we look forward to exploring how
the Exiles may become more closely affiliated to City
Fans United when the new organisation is established and
its objectives agreed. In the meantime, the Chester City
Exiles look forward to working with, and supporting, City
Fans United and its Committee in many of its activities
in the future. We would like
to offer our good wishes to everyone connected with
City Fans United and it is hoped that this is the much
awaited dawn of a new and exciting era for Chester City
and its supporters.
Pauline Meakins, Chair
Steve Mansley, Secretary
In October 2009, the Chester City Supporters Trust and
Independent Supporters Association will merge to form
a new supporters group, City Fans United.
At the current time, the Exiles Committee has agreed that
the Chester City Exiles should keep its own identity and
will not join the new supporters group initially in October
but will continue to provide membership and support specifically
for those supporters who move away from Chester. However,
it will continue to be involved and support the working
party of the new group and will explore ways with the
new committee of City Fans United, when formed, of how
the Exiles can work with and support the objectives of
City Fans United when it is legally formed. Exiles members
will be consulted throughout the process before any changes
are introduced.
The Chester City Exiles are fully committed to City Fans
United by:-
taking part in the initial discussions
with the other supporter group Chairs in January this
being represented on the top table
at the open fans' meeting in Chester on 13 August when
fans voted for a united fans group
currently having a representative
on the Working Group of City Fans United
looking at ways for the Exiles
to fund raise to support City Fans United
At an open meeting held
on Monday 1 June in central London, Chester City Exiles
agreed the following open letter to club owner Steve Vaughan,
other supporters and potential investors in the future
of professional football in Chester.
to club owner Steve Vaughan
those Chester supporters who live away from the city whether
north or south, UK or abroad, then the Chester City Exiles
Supporters Club is for you. We aim to cater for City fans
from all over the country and keep them in touch with
the latest news from Deva Stadium, as well as with other
exiled City supporters. The
Club (formerly known as the Southern Branch) was started
by a group of four people, Rick Goby, Richard Hanford,
Ian Riley and Steve Mansley, back in November 1983 and
we celebrate our Silver Jubilee this coming 2008/09
• Keep
in touch with activities on and off the field at the
Club. We will send you regular newsletters and e-mails
with all the latest news. Our regular newsletter is
distributed to all members of the Club. Match reports,
news of signings, details of travel, meeting places
and social events are included, along with articles
occasionally submitted by members. Share the joy that
is supporting Chester City with fellow sufferers. You
are not alone!
• eZine
• Take advantage
of our pre-match meeting venues. We always try to organise
a place (pub) to meet
at matches in the south, and generally throughout the
• The Exiles
gives you a voice. We are regularly in contact with
the Club and these days they even listen to what we
have to say! Pauline Meakins, our Chairman, is on the
Board of the Chester City Supporters Trust so we even
have a formal mechanism to put the views of Exiles to
the Trust and through the Trust to the Club.
• The Exiles
give you the chance to do your bit to help Chester City.
In the Club’s darkest hour the Exiles played a
leading role in forming the ISA, and now in happier
times we are pleased to sponsor the Club directly and
still play our part with the other supporters organisations.
Over the years the Club has sponsored several match
balls, players’ kits and has also bought gym equipment.
It has also entered into joint sponsorship with other
Chester City supporters groups. Here’s a list
of all our sponsorships
to date.
• We also campaign
and work constructively for greater involvement and
facilities for supporters in general. The Club is a
member of APFSCIL
– The Association of Provincial Football Supporters’
Clubs In London.
• Finally,
even if you cannot attend matches, meetings or socials
then it will help us just by having your membership
fee and from time to time asking you what you think
of issues and initiatives that we might be considering.
• During recent
season’s the Exiles contributed to a weekly Fanzine
page on Teletext,
we now contribute regularly to the Exiles
Chester Chronicle Deva Fever blog.
• Membership
fees are as follows: Adult £12.00. Under 18/oap/unemployed
£9.00, Overseas (outside Europe) £15.00,
Family (any number at the same address). You can download
a PDF membership form here.
July 2007
ALAN WILKES 1951-2007
It’s very
sad to report the death of Chester City supporter
Alan Wilkes who passed away after a short illness
aged 55.
Alan, a boyhood Arsenal fan, married into the
Blues after meeting Helen in the early 1980s and
was one of the early members of the Exiles (known
then as the Southern Branch). Alan worked tirelessly
on the Exiles committee as membership secretary
for ten years from the summer of 1989 before the
pressure of work forced him to step down.
He worked as the Disciplinary Manager with the
Football Association and joked in an Exiles newsletter
back in 1989 that his favourite City player was
Graham Barrow — “because he keeps
me in work!” He had been with the organisation
for 36 years.
Our thoughts are with his wife
Helen, family and friends.
Chester secretary Tony Allen knew Alan well and
said: “I have known Alan for many years,
he was a gentleman and a good friend to football,
on behalf of the club I would like to extend my
sincere condolences to his family.”
A minute’s silence will
be observed prior to next Saturday’s friendly
match against Raith Rovers at the Deva Stadium. |
members and friends joined us for our sponsored game against
Wycombe Wanderers in 2006/07. We managed to keep up our
unbeaten sponsorship record after seeing the Blues win
1-0 with a goal from man-of-the-match Stewart Drummond.
Thanks must go to Bob Gray and the staff at Deva Stadium
for ensuring that the enjoyable day ran smoothly.
more Exiles information please write to the secretary:
Mansley, 20 Fairmead, 9 Epsom Road, Leatherhead,
Surrey KT22 8ST. |